Tone of Voice

Maybe you haven’t discussed tone since your high school English classes

Or, maybe you are discovering that your business is not targeting your customers appropriately. Suddenly, you must figure out why tone of voice has such a strong impact on your business’s lead generation, branding, and content and how you can accurately adjust this to meet your customers’ needs and expectations.

So, what is tone of voice, and why does it matter?

Bootcamp for Your Business’s Tone

Simply defined, tone of voice is the way you articulate your words to your audience that speaks to your business’s character. Think of your business as a person. If a person who worked in the healthcare industry tried to engage with one of their clients with pushy language, chances are, that client wouldn’t be around much longer. This principle applies to your business as well; the language that you choose must be carefully crafted to anticipate your audience’s expectations to make a lasting (and positive) impression.

Tone can be influenced by conciseness (or lack thereof), clarity, supporting factual details/examples, consistency in wording, sentence structure, and the emotional value of your chosen words. However, this is not an exhaustive list. Your tone of voice is anything that makes your business’s branding exclusive to your business.

Here are a few reasons why your tone of voice is vital to every piece of content you produce:

1. You can differentiate yourself from your competitors with messaging unique to your business.

2. You do not have to be talking to your customers face-to-face for your business to be recognizable.

3. A consistent tone builds a more trustworthy impression and lends expertise.

4. Your tone personalizes the customer experience as the customers feel as though they are interacting with the same person.

5. You have a strategy for positioning each piece of content so that they complement each other.

When you are producing content for your business, you should keep in mind how you want to come across to your audience. Do your analytical and qualitative research. What is your target audience’s demographics, values, interests, and behaviors? Forming your customer personas before developing your branding is key to creating consistent tone across your content.

At Advisor Fuel, we understand the importance of crafting your blogs, newsletters, and social media posts in an appropriate tone of voice. Contact us today to learn more about our content system and what we can do for you!